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Coolabah Saigon
Coolabah Saigon
Happy Valley, So R15, Duong Nguyen Van Linh, Phuong Tan Phong, Quan 7
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Our Group is for meeting people through
Shared Interests while forming friendships
though Shared Experiences.
- Show only newsfeed items relating to
your friends.
- Post submitted by Venue owners
about upcoming events.
Add New Event
- Post an event that you would
like other people to join in on.
Remove Activity
- Remove any newsfeed
posts about the selected activity. You can also
edit your Activity through ‘Profile Edit’ in the
profile icon.
Block User
- Block event posts from selected
user and warn you if the selected user has
joined an event in your newsfeed.
Activity Type
- Our Group is a Social Activities
website, where users follow activities they are
interested in. When creating an event you can
either type in the Activity Type or select
activities from the dropdown menu.
By default you will receive posts about all
activities however you can edit your activities
from Edit Profile.
Venue Details
- If a venue has already been
input by another user the details may
automatically appear.
Venue emails are options however it is useful
information for our moderators to verify the
venue is legitimate.
Suggested or Hosted
- Usually you would
create an event for others to join in on but you
can’t be everywhere at once, and sometimes
you may find something cool that you just need
to share with our community, so why not
suggest it.
Minimum cost
- May be your just headed to a
bar, put down the cost of the cheapest drink
down but if you’re going for a picnic in the park
let everyone know it’s free.
- Two is company, three’s a
crowd. Set a minimum amount of people
before the event becomes official. If the
minimum does not get reached 48 hrs before
the event time, everyone will be notified that it’s
not going to happen this time.
Age Range
- Wanna hang out with people your
own age?
Relationship Status
- Wanna hang out with
other Singles or even other Couples?
Gender Balance
- Looking for a girls night out,
bros night out?
With Gender Balance enabled either sex can
only join if the ratio is approximately even.
- One of the most unique features of
our group is our Strikes rule. We have created
this function in an effort to create a reliable
offline community.
If you do a no show the other users may rate
you as flaky, which may in turn penalise you
with a Strike.
Some hosts may be forgiving and allow guests
with a certain number of Strikes to join their
events however for the coolest activities some
hosts may want guests that are guaranteed to