    Hammock Fishing from 12:00 PM at Câu Cá Giải Trí Thành Long
    Lazy Sunday relaxing by a lake on a hammock with bamboo fishing rod in one hand and beer in the other. If that sound like your kind of Sunday come join me!

    The place is huge, you can see it from space (or at least google maps). It's also a little out of the city so if you can get to Nguen Huu Canh I can give you a lift in my 7 seater automobile.

    MORE INFO: fb.com/CauCaGiaiTriThanhLong
    Hosted by Meetup
    1 people going. Free to join

    The Wall

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    Câu Cá Giải Trí Thành Long
    B8/251, Quốc lộ 50, Ấp 2, Xã Phong Phú, Huyện Bình Chánh, Phong Phú, Bình Chánh, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
    Hammock Fishing
    Hammock Fishing
